
Kamis, 21 Juni 2012

Another Manga Recommendation

Yep, did you enjoy the last manga I recommend you guys?
This time I'll recommend a manga that really had similarities to Kuroshitsuji! ...or DRRR!
...Well, at least that is my opinion anyway, but I do enjoy reading it!

This time, the manga titled '12 Nin no Yasashii Koroshiya' or '12 Tender Killers in a Mixed Up World'
The title is pretty long inded, but it only consist of 10 chapters! They should make it more!

Read it here: [link]

Well in my opinion, this one has an interesting story line.
& the mangaka have done a good job at drawing the character’s faces, especially the guy charas~ =w=

Oh in my opinion also, this manga’s drawing has somekind of similarity to Kuroshitsuji drawing. Also DRRR!
Why you asked? Well~ just look at the screenshots later~

Happy reading guys~ hope you like it! :3

Well, here are some screenshots:

This is Takeshi aka Kotarou, he is the 1st MC

This guy's name is Toru aka Yuu, he is the 2nd MC

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